Monday, May 28, 2007

Are Wii the Children of the Revolution? The Nintendo Wii is one of the hottest consumer products on the market right now. It's innovative game play makes it one of the best gamer experiences available...but that's just HYPE. The Wii is known for it's revolutionary game remote which allows the player to make an action and have it duplicated in the game. This may be the first time that we've seen this from Nintendo but not from the video games as a whole. Such franchises as Dance Dance Revolution and Guitar Hero have been giving the player this type of experience for years. What Nintendo has done is made the experience more suitable the next generation of video games. So I guess we will have to wait for the real revolution of gaming for a little bit longer.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Reporters in the line of fire

Journal Entry Question #10 for Journalism

When you think of a journalist, you tend to think of a guy with a pencil and pad shooting questions at you, aggressively trying to get the scoop ( like the gentleman in the picture). However that isn't always the case. Nobody said that the job of a journalist was supposed to be easy, especially with the kind of news that happens in our society today. Journalists have to risk their lives every time they are reporting on a story. So this raises the question is it really worth endangering one's life to get the scoop? I think that if you have a passion for something than is worth it. If I were a journalist and was reporting on a potentially dangerous story, of course the fear of getting hurt is there, but the passion for getting the story is there aswell and that would be enough to keep me going.